When you realize that you and you alone have the power to change everything you don’t love in your life, then it’s time to get to work and reinvent yourself!
Reinventing you
This journey started over a decade ago, but the most intense chapter started on February 10th, 2023.
The above photos are me. No filters. Vulnerable and exposed. Before and now.
What changed? Everything. And I’m not done…
For years I was sick in bed. I had found ways to work with chronic pain but I wasn’t living I was surviving. I knew it, but didn’t know what to do about it. Doctors couldn’t help me, friends were tired of hearing me complain, I had basically given up. I was self medicating to forget my misery and my body was shutting down. My head was so foggy and my body so tired.
As so many of us do, I cared better for those around me than I did for myself. Then my kid started to have the same symptoms. The thought of my beautiful child feeling the pain I had been feeling made me sicker than I had ever been before.
So I did the research again, for the millionth time. A few light bulb moments, a key comment, and many helpful blogs later I knew where to start and quickly found a successful path to dietary health at last. Mental and physical health followed. The better I felt, the more I craved the good. The more success I had, the more I wanted to help others find the solutions I had found.
And that is how I arrived here. A photographer with a specific journey that gave me the knowledge to help others succeed in feeling the best they have felt in their lives.
If working with me feels like it might be a good fit, send me a text and we can chat over the phone. I ask you questions and at the end of our chat, I give you one meal plan, one mental health exercise and one book, documentary or podcast recommendation.
If I’m a good fit for you and you decide to move forward with reinventing yourself with my help, then here are some things you can expect:
I work with people in 3 months increments. If you give me 3 months and really stick with the path, you will see a new you start to emerge.
We start with your diet and then we add fitness and mental health.
You will be full every day.
We check in once a week.
You will be rewarding yourself regularly.
People you know will stop saying “Um hmmm, you’re looking great!” and start saying “Ok but what are you doing?!”
You will feel happier. You will feel alive and creative again. You will feel empowered.
You will change and grow and the people around you might need a moment to catch up.
You will have to purchase new clothing.
You will be addicted to the best you.
You will inspire those around you and create joy wherever you go.
Coaching investment:
3 months of coaching - texting and emailing regularly, with a once a week check in via video chat.
Recipes, food guides, resource materials, inspiration, physical and mental health techniques and tools, motivation, accountability, cheering squad.
Please note that I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. . I’m a human who figured some things out and who’s eager to share the knowledge and the love.